Home> Archive> 2012> Volume 2 Number 5 (Sep. 2012)
IJSSH 2012 Vol.2(5): 384-390

Postcolonial Ecofeminism in Indian Novels in English

Gurpreet Kaur

Abstract—This paper seeks to outline postcolonial ecofeminism in India in terms of both activism and fiction that explicitly foreground women. I also argue that women’s relationship to the environment is ambivalent, thus disputing the dualism of nature/culture and yet straddling the grey area between these two binaries. This is particularly highlighted by women writing Indian fiction in English. An explication of the nature/culture dualism will be given to contextualize this study and to explain how the dualism affects upon notions of a gendered (ecological) citizenship.

Index Terms—Cultural ecofeminism, socialist/materialistecof eminism, ambivalence, dualism.

Gurpreet Kaur is with University of Warwick, Singapore (e-mail:gurpreetkk1@gmail.com).


Cite: Gurpreet Kaur, "Postcolonial Ecofeminism in Indian Novels in English," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 384-390, 2012.


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