Home> Archive> 2014> Volume 4 Number 6 (Nov. 2014)
IJSSH 2014 Vol.4(6): 463-467 ISSN: 2010-3646
DOI: 10.7763/IJSSH.2014.V4.399

Human Resource Development Issues in the Field of Islamic Astronomy: Analysis of the Langkawi National Observatory, Malaysia

Khadijah Ismail, Fairos Asillam, and Aizan Ali Mat Zin

Abstract—A study by Global Astronomy Survey (GAS) showed that the knowledge and development of astronomy in developing countries is still at a poor level. This stems from the lack of quality of the human resources produced in schools, universities, and even in the observatories across the country as centres for research and astronomy education. This paperwork aims to analyse good human resource development at the Langkawi National Observatory, as the main observatory in Malaysia, particularly as a centre to train skilled human resources in astronomical research. Data collection was done using documentation, interviews and observation at the scene. All data collected have been analysed by inductive, deductive and comparative analyses. As a result, the article proposes a new model regarding the development of human resources in the Langkawi National Observatory to address the issue of the training phase for employees and staffing system.

Index Terms—Islamic astronomy, human resource development, Islamic civilization, observatory, malaysia.

F. A. Khadijah Ismail and T. C. Aizan Ali Mat Zin are with the Department of Islamic History and Civilization, Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (e-mail: dijahis@ gmail.com, aizan@um.edu.my).
S. B. Fairos Asillam is with the Space Science Research Unit (UPSA), Malaysia (e-mail: fairos@angkasa.gov.my).


Cite: Khadijah Ismail, Fairos Asillam, and Aizan Ali Mat Zin, " Human Resource Development Issues in the Field of Islamic Astronomy: Analysis of the Langkawi National Observatory, Malaysia," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 463-467, 2014.


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