Home> Archive> 2011> Volume 1 Number 4 (Nov. 2011)
IJSSH 2011 Vol.1(4): 261-265 ISSN:2010-3646
DOI: 10.7763/IJSSH.2011.V1.47

Obedient Wives Club: To Serve Husbands as a First Class Prostitute

Jin Kuan Kok and Mohammed Yusof Bin Dawood Gany

Abstract—Women seen as sex objects or sexual subjects are a topic that questions the meaning of the existence of women. This paper is a response to the recent debates in Malaysia about training wives as first class prostitutes in order to keep husbands from straying, as advocated by the spokes person from the Obedient Wives Club. A qualitative methodology is employed for data collection. 20 Malaysians, from different states of the country, were interviewed to find out their views on the role of wives in the family and in relationships. The findings have shown that most of the respondents in this study are aware of role of wives in the family, but they disagree about devaluing the role of women to the status of prostitute or sex-object. They raise the issue of “inter-subjectivity” and the mutuality or reciprocal communication in relationships.

Index Terms—component; Gender, sex object, sexual subjects the role of women in family, the role of women in relationships in Malaysia.

Jin Kuan Kok and Mohammed Yusof Bin Dawood Gany are with Mohammed Yusof Bin Dawood Gany University Tunku Abdul Rahman Kampar, Malaysia (e-mail: kokjk@utar.edu, my,mohammed@utar.edu.my).


Cite: Jin Kuan Kok and Mohammed Yusof Bin Dawood Gany, "Obedient Wives Club: To Serve Husbands as a First Class Prostitute," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 261-265, 2011.


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