
Prof. Paul Sudnik

Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Under my editorship the International Journal of Social Science and Humanity will be centered around the idea of new and emerging IT advancements geared towards finding solutions in tackling the problems and challenges that we face in the 21st century.

Home> Archive> 2013> Volume 3 Number 6 (Nov. 2013)
IJSSH 2013 Vol.3(6): 523-527 ISSN: 2010-3646
DOI: 10.7763/IJSSH.2013.V3.296

Menstruation, Religion and Society

Aru Bhartiya

Abstract—All religions of the world have placed restrictions on menstruating women. Be it Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism or Buddhism. Sikhism is the only religion where the scriptures condemn sexism and don’t impose any restriction on menstruating women. This paper discusses how a menstruating woman is treated and viewed in the major religions. Further it goes on to discuss how society treats and views menstruating women. The different facets of this topic discussed in the paper are: different euphemisms used for menstruation, sources of information for girls, advertisements and how open we are talking about this natural physiological process.

Index Terms—Menstruation, women, society, religion.

Aru Bhartiya is with the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India (e-mail: aru.bhartiya@gmail.com).


Cite:Aru Bhartiya, "Menstruation, Religion and Society," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 523-527, 2013.


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