Home> Archive> 2024> Volume 14, Number 3, 2024
IJSSH 2024 Vol.14(3): 118-122
doi: 10.18178/ijssh.2024.14.3.1203

The Power of “Gaze”: Reflecting on the Visual Elements Implicit in Biopolitical Theory

Wang Zihao
School of National Governance, Southwest University, Chongqing, China
Email: 1819550932@qq.com

Manuscript received March 14, 2024; revised April 8, 2024; accepted April 10, 2024; published June 17, 2024.

Abstract—Visualism is a typical “sensory” manifestation of Western philosophy, especially traditional metaphysics, in the epistemological dimension. Biopolitics, as a governance-regulatory technology in modern Western countries, is closely related to visualism. When examining biopolitics based on visualism, we can find that under the influence of the tradition of visualism, biopolitics “opens” and “restores” individual and group life, achieving the construction and reconstruction of governance objects with the purpose of power governance. Through the analysis of Foucault’s works, it can be seen that biopolitics has not only been a historical phenomenon for a long time, but also has not fundamentally transcended traditional metaphysics. The way biopolitics treats life is not a simple “governance technique”. Rather, it implies trampling and contempt for life. The factors of visualism in biopolitics are revealed everywhere in the specific historical process, and may become a new path and direction for reflection on biopolitics.

Keywords—biopolitics, visualism, open vision-reduction, the technique of government

Cite: Wang Zihao, "The Power of “Gaze”: Reflecting on the Visual Elements Implicit in Biopolitical Theory," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 118-122, 2024.

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