Home> Archive> 2017> Volume 7 Number 6 (Jun. 2017)
IJSSH 2017 Vol.7(6): 373-377 ISSN: 2010-3646
doi: 10.18178/ijssh.2017.V7.851

The Visual Approach in Educational Projects

А. К. Dadykin, V. A. Dibrova, and I. H. Tahini

Abstract—International complex projects in the field of education and training require the involvement of a number of experts from different countries, different branches of science and technology. Differences in terminology, methods and languages lead to significant difficulties in collaboration and mutual understanding. The main idea of the article is finding new ways to improve communication and mutual understanding, finding new ways of learning and teaching. The new results were obtained by using a visual approach and visual models and tools of systems analysis and information technologies. The text gives a detailed analysis of some basic scientific theories and provides visual models resulting from this analysis. These models formed the basis for the practical application of the visual approach for learning foreign languages for adult, and helped to create some computer applications, simulators and control systems of the learning process. The proposed visual approach to the display of the structure of scientific theories, a study of the general laws, previously hidden behind the words and terminology, and the application of these laws in the education and training systems is of considerable interest. The practical application of this approach in the experimental groups of adult learners showed very encouraging results and the prospect of further research and development in this direction.

Index Terms—Activity matrix, activity structure, visual approach, visual model, visualization.

А. К. Dadykin is with the Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk, Belarus (e-mail: alex_05_07@rambler.ru).
V. A. Dibrova is with the Languages Studio, Kiev, Ukraine (e-mail: tivita@yandex.ru).
I. H. Tahini is with the Belarusian National Technical University, Beirut, Lebanon (e-mail: imad.tahini@live.com).


Cite: А. К. Dadykin, V. A. Dibrova, and I. H. Tahini, "The Visual Approach in Educational Projects," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 373-377, 2017.


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