Home> Archive> 2016> Volume 6 Number 2 (Feb. 2016)
IJSSH 2016 Vol.6(2): 123-135 ISSN: 2010-3646
DOI: 10.7763/IJSSH.2016.V6.631

The University of Warsaw as a LLL/LWL Integrator: The SWOT Analysis

Małgorzata D. Kisilowska

Abstract—The aim of this paper is to define both strengths and weaknesses of the UW as a higher education institution of universal profile, in developing a package of educational offers designed to answer particular needs of potential students of different kind: secondary school graduates, experienced professionals, people returning to job market (after sickness or maternity leave), immigrants, etc. Method: the SWOT analysis has been applied to identify all the four types of qualities in two dimensions: an external one, including national legal background or job market situation in Poland, and an internal one, concerning the UW resources and potential in offering modern education. Findings: Both strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and challenges for the University has been found. The first group includes long experience in teaching students of different age groups, strong connection between research and education, availability of ICT facilities, and learning outcomes of all offered courses, described with qualification framework method. It’s weaknesses refer to unstable legal situation, negative attitudes of a part of academic staff towards “competencies & outcomes” language, insufficient financial resources. Opportunities include flexibility of education system, evolution of social attitudes towards LLL/LWL, integration of education services with market needs, as well as developing positive attitudes among the staff. Competitive schools or trainings, demographical changes, differentiation of the students (their needs and competencies), market response to new forms of qualifications, can be seen as threats, but also as challenges to be faced.

Index Terms—Higher education, lifelong learning, life-wide learning, university.

M. D. Kisilowska is with the University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland (e-mail: emka@uw.edu.pl).


Cite: Małgorzata D. Kisilowska, " The University of Warsaw as a LLL/LWL Integrator: The SWOT Analysis," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 123-135, 2016.


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