Home> Archive> 2015> Volume 5 Number 6 (Jun. 2015)
IJSSH 2015 Vol.5(6): 501-508 ISSN: 2010-3646
DOI: 10.7763/IJSSH.2015.V5.508

Some Economic Aspects of Wheat Crop in Egypt with Emphasis on Baladi Bread Manufacturing in Alexandria Governorate

Gaber Ahmed Bassyouni Shehata and Mamdouh Elbadry Mohamed

Abstract—The baladi bread2 considers an important source to feed the Egyptian population, where is the primary source in his meals food because it is relatively cheap compared to other sources .Although increasing cultivated area of wheat from about 2.5 million feddans in 2003 to about 3.1 million feddans in 2012, but the production is not enough to cover the consumption needs of wheat and flour needed to make baladi bread. The research depends on descriptive and statistical techniques to estimate the numerical coefficients. As explained in the study results, the evolution of the total number of baladi bakeries in Alexandria governorate, increased with an increase of about 21.4 bakery represents about 1.92 % of the average number of bakeries in Alexandria governorate which was about 1115 bakery during the study period. For the evolution of the total ration of subsidized flour (baladi bakery, warehouses, and other purposes) in Alexandria governorate, it has increased with an increase of about 172 thousand bag annually representing approximately 3.85 % of the average of about 4.5 million bags during the study period. Several recommendations have been discussed and determined in this search to improve wheat consumption in Egypt.

Index Terms—Loaves of bread, consumption, subsidy, bakery.

Gaber Ahmed Bassyouni Shehata is with the Agricultural Economics Dept., Faculty of Agriculture (Saba Basha), Alexandria University, Egypt (e-mail: drgaber2000@yahoo.com).
Mamdouh Elbadry Mohamed is with the Institute of Agricultural Economic Research Center–Cairo, Egypt (e-mail: mamdouhelbadry2000@yahoo.com).


Cite: Gaber Ahmed Bassyouni Shehata and Mamdouh Elbadry Mohamed, " Some Economic Aspects of Wheat Crop in Egypt with Emphasis on Baladi Bread Manufacturing in Alexandria Governorate," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 501-508, 2015.


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