Home> Archive> 2014> Volume 4 Number 6 (Nov. 2014)
IJSSH 2014 Vol.4(6): 508-512 ISSN: 2010-3646
DOI: 10.7763/IJSSH.2014.V4.408

Preliminary Study on the Role of Creativity in Outdoor Recreation Activities towards Enhancing Visitors’ Experience in Malaysia

Siti Suriawati Isa and Azlizam Aziz

Abstract—Tourism destinations should not depend too much on their natural resources alone nowadays. They should manage their natural resources creatively without compromising with the environment. Creativity and innovation are becoming key elements to attract visitors to a destination in this era. The main concern of this research is to examine creativity and innovation elements used by Malaysian outdoor recreation stakeholders and market players for their activities. Mixed methods were applied to get an in depth understanding about t h i s novel topic. Secondary data taken from related literature on this topic were presented for this preliminary study stage. The results of the initial phase of the study indicate t h a t the outdoor recreation development i n Kedah is significantly limited, while in Pahang there are areas for improvement and in Selangor future development need more creative approaches. In general creativity is still lacking relating to the activities and marketing aspects in outdoor recreation.

Index Terms—Creativity, Malaysia, outdoor recreation, visitors’ experience.

The authors are with the Department of Recreation and Ecotourism, Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia (e-mail: ssuria4@gmail.com)


Cite: Siti Suriawati Isa and Azlizam Aziz, " Preliminary Study on the Role of Creativity in Outdoor Recreation Activities towards Enhancing Visitors’ Experience in Malaysia," International Journal of Social Science and Humanity vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 508-512, 2014.


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